54 research outputs found

    A directed learning-based evolutionary approach for legged robot motion

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    University of Technology, Sydney. Faculty of Information Technology.At any stage of development, any organism is required to go through a learning phase as a way to acquire and enhance certain skills. Similarly, legged robots perform a learning phase to obtain basic skills before implementing them in real specific applications. Walking skills are one of the first capabilities that need to be learned, as this allows the robots to traverse their environment. This thesis will focus on the learning to walk task for legged robots using machine learning techniques. This task is aimed to develop framed optimal walking gaits which typically concern the speed and stability. In brief, the framed optimal walking gaits are obtained from a particular region in the search space which is framed within the previous robot learning experience or history. We found that the long deployment of the robot at the learning stage which utilises machine learning techniques will eventually raise the significant impact of wear and tear and it is undesirable for robots to be worn out just to perform the learning task before they are deployed in. Typically ML techniques require thousands of trials to find globally optimal solutions, however, this is not an option for robot learn to walk approached since an average robot would be unable to complete the trials intact. In relation to this issue, we propose a Directed Evolutionary Algorithm Learning method - which we henceforth refer to as the DEAL method. This method aims to direct the learning process by incorporating the robot learning experience, and hence, to reduce the time period required for the learning process to converge to a framed optimal solution. This will reduce the deployment time of the robot and as a result, the learning process will have a minimal impact on the wear and tear of the robot body and maximise the life of the robot when it is deployed on specific applications. We empirically conducted literature studies on the four-legged AIBO robot which is a benchmark platform for the international robot soccer competition, RoboCup, and ran the experiment within the same robot platform. The results of the implementation of the DEAL method show that the learning lasts for shorter time than the previous methods used by the University's RoboCup Robot Soccer Team, UTS Unleashed! and as a result, in the long term, the robot productivity will increase through the enhancement of its lifespan and thus its ability to perform other tasks. The objectives of future work will also address the significant factor of wear and tear at any time during robot deployment. The benchmark of the experiment of the DEAL method and associated experimental design will also be expanded to the humanoid robots, the BIOLOID and the NAO robots

    Peranan Sektor Pertanian Khususnya Jagung Terhadap Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Kabupaten Jeneponto

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan peranan sektor pertanian khususnyajagung terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi Kabupaten Jeneponto. Penelitian ini dilakukan diKelurahan Tolo Selatan, Kecamatan Kelara dan Desa Bontomanai, Kecamatan Rumbia,dengan menggunakan analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peranansektor pertanian khususnya jagung terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi Kabupaten Jenepontosangat besar, dimana produksi jagung mengalami peningkatan rata–rata sebesar 4,3 % pertahun dalam kurun waktu 2006-2010. Besarnya kontribusi jagung terhadap pertumbuhanekonomi dapat pula dilihat pada PDRB Kabupaten Jeneponto atas dasar harga berlaku,dimana pada Tahun 2010 sebesar 24,81%. Pengembangan USAhatani jagung berdampak padapeningkatan pendapatan petani dan memperluas kesempatan kerja, selain itu juga tumbuhusaha–USAha penunjang seperti USAha penyaluran sarana produksi (bibit, pupuk dan obat–obatan), industri pengeringan jagung, industri rumah tangga (pembuatan keripik jagung),jasa transportasi dan industri pandai besi yang membuat alat–alat pertanian. Namunkontribusi ini belum optimal disebabkan karena pengembangan industri belum maksimalbaik itu industri hulu (bibit, pupuk, obat-obatan) maupun indutri hilir (pengolahan hasil,pascapanen, produk olahan, dan hasil ikutan)

    Strategi Pengembangan Potensi Desa Bonto Lojong Sebagai Kawasan Agrowisata Di Kecamatan Ulu Ere Kabupaten Bantaeng

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    Pada hakekatnya Desa merupakan suatu wadah dimana hampir sebagian besar penduduknya bergerak di sektor pertanian serta masyarakat yang hidup di daerah perdesaan memiliki nilai sosial yang cukup tinggi. Selain itu, adat istiadat masyarakat Desa juga masih terjaga dengan baik. Seperti halnya dalam penelitian ini yang mengkaji potensi sumber daya alam Desa Bonto Lojong sebagai kawasan agrowisata. Hal ini di dasarkan pada potensi pertanian Desa Bonto Lojong sangat memungkinkan untuk dijadikan sebagai kawasan wisata dengan tidak mengurangi kegiatan pertanian masyarakat setempat. Namun tujuan dalam penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui potensi apa saja yang dimiliki Desa Bonto Lojong sebagai kawasan agrowisata, serta mengidentifikasi strategi pengembangan potensi Desa Bonto Lojong sebagai kawasan agrowisata. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu metode analisis deskriptif yang dilakukan sesuai dengan tujuan penelitian ini yaitu metode analisis deskriptif yang dilakukan sesuai dengan tujuan penelitian dengan menggambarkan atau menguraikan secara jelas apa yang ada di lapangan disertai perbandingannya, sedangkan metode analisis SWOT dilakukan untuk mengetahui strategi pengembangan potensi yang dimiliki oleh suatu daerah. Hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan yaitu: Desa Bonto Lojong yang memiliki potensi sumber daya alam berupa hasil pertanian dan perkebunan yang dapat dikembangkan sebagai salah satu daya tarik wisatawan sebagai Desa wisat

    Evolving artificial pain from fault detection through pattern data analysis

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    © 2017 IEEE. Fault detection is a classical area of study in robotics and extensive research works have been dedicated to investigate its broad applications. As the breath of robots applications requiring human interaction grow, it is important for robots to acquire sophisticated social skills such as empathy towards pain. However, it turns out that this is difficult to achieve without having an appropriate concept of pain that relies on robots being aware of their own body machinery aspects. This paper introduces the concept of pain, based on the ability to develop a state of awareness of robots own body and the use of the fault detection approach to generate artificial robot pain. Faults provide the stimulus and defines a classified magnitude value, which constitutes artificial pain generation, comprised of synthetic pain classes. Our experiment evaluates some of synthetic pain classes and the results show that the robot gains awareness of its internal state through its ability to predict its joint motion and generate appropriate artificial pain. The robot is also capable of alerting humans whenever a task will generate artificial pain, or whenever humans fails to acknowledge the alert, the robot can take a considerable preventive actions through joint stiffness adjustment

    The Evaluation of English Electronic Books for Junior High School in Indonesia

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    This article reports the results of a study evaluating English Electronic Books for Junior High school in Indonesia. The study used Textbook Evaluation Checklist (Skierso 1991; Cunningworrth 1984), Focuses on physical Appearance, Content, and Supporting Aids of the textbook (Skierso 1991; Scott and Ytreberg, 1990; Grant, 1987; McGrath, 2002; Cunningworrth, 1984; Harmer, 2001; Woodward, 2001; Pinter, 2006) as a framework of text analysis. The study revealed that from several aspects both English Electronic Books (BSE) “Textbook 1 (T1)” and “Textbook 2 (T2)” fit the criteria of English textbooks in terms of physical appearance and content of the textbooks. However both textbooks need some improvement on how to design the activities and to add some proper supporting aids for the teacher. Both the textbooks are attractive in layout, and use some fun explanation on grammar and language function. They also emphasize listening and speaking skills. However the textbooks do not provide complete supporting aids for the teacher such as audio recording for listening activities and teachers\u27 book

    Evolving robot empathy towards humans with motor disabilities through artificial pain generation

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    © 2018 the Author(s). In contact assistive robots, a prolonged physical engagement between robots and humans with motor disabilities due to shoulder injuries, for instance, may at times lead humans to experience pain. In this situation, robots will require sophisticated capabilities, such as the ability to recognize human pain in advance and generate counter-responses as follow up emphatic action. Hence, it is important for robots to acquire an appropriate pain concept that allows them to develop these capabilities. This paper conceptualizes empathy generation through the realization of synthetic pain classes integrated into a robot's self-awareness framework, and the implementation of fault detection on the robot body serves as a primary source of pain activation. Projection of human shoulder motion into the robot arm motion acts as a fusion process, which is used as a medium to gather information for analyses then to generate corresponding synthetic pain and emphatic responses. An experiment is designed to mirror a human peer's shoulder motion into an observer robot. The results demonstrate that the fusion takes place accurately whenever unified internal states are achieved, allowing accurate classification of synthetic pain categories and generation of empathy responses in a timely fashion. Future works will consider a pain activation mechanism development

    Utilization of Coffee Pulp Cellulose for Bioetanol Production Through Simultaneous Saccarification and Fermentation (SSF) with Cellulose Enzymes

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    . The bioetanol development from biomass bases on lignocellulose like pulp of coffee is one of alternative energy which has potential to be applied in Indonesia. Beside of raw material sources that are so many in our country, the process is also environmentally friendly. Conversion of coffee pulp becomes ethanol using Simultaneous Sacharification and Fermentation (SSF) technology by cellulase had been done on this research. Sacharification process or hydrolysis process, cellulase enzyme will break cellulose polymer becomes glucose. Then, glucose through fermentation is changed to ethanol by using yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. This study using Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with factorial pattern consisting of two factors. Factor I is the optimum pH (P) consists of three standards are: P1 = 4, P2 = 4.5, P3 = 5. Factor II is the incubation time (fermentation) (T) consisting of four standard that is T1 = 24 hours, T2 = 48 hours, T3 = 72 hours, and T4 = 96 hours. Pretreatment to break the lignin is done by soaking in 2% H2SO4 for 20 hours in the erlenmeyer. The analysis performed consists of the initial analysis and final analysis. Initial analysis consisted of analysis of water content, pH analysis, levels of cellulose and glucose levels, against the skin of the coffee pulp before the simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF), whereas the final analysis included analysis of ethanol content, the analysis of cellulose and glucose from a solution of ethanol produced. The optimum pH treatment (P), incubation time (fermentation) (T) and interaction optimum pH and incubation time (fermentation) (PT) has very significant (P ≤ 0.01), on levels of ethanol produced. The highest levels of ethanol obtained by fermentation of 96 hours and the optimum pH 4.5 and 5. Ethanol content is obtained that is equal to 6% and 6.07%

    Kajian Intensitas Pemberian Air Dan Pupuk Kandang Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Hasil Sawi (Brassica Juncea L.)

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    Tanaman sawi merupakan salah satu tanaman sayuran yang memiliki peranan penting bagi kesehatan tubuh yaitu sebagai salah satu sumber vitamin, mineral dan serat. Selain itu, tanaman sawi dapat menjadi sumber pendapatan bagi petani. Pemberian air dan pemupukan dengan menggunakan pupuk organik dari kandang sapi sangat perlu dikembangkan sehingga dapat memberikan solusi dalam meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan hasil sawi, khususnya pada pertanian organik. Tujuan Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh intensitas pemberian air dan pupuk kandang terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil sawi yang baik. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Green House Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Tadulako. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap pola faktorial dengan 2 faktor. Faktor pertama adalah pemberian air yang terdiri dari 3 taraf perlakuan, yaitu permberian air 1 sari sekali, pemberian air 2 hari sekali dan pemberian air 3 hari sekali dengan dosis air 500 ml/polibag. Sedangkan faktor kedua adalah pemberian pupuk organik dari pupuk kandang sapi yang terdiri dari 2 taraf perlakuan, yaitu tanah tanpa penembahan pupuk organik sebagai kontrol dan tanah 2,5 kg + pupuk organik dari kandang sapi 2,5 kg komposisinya (1:1) dalam isi 5 kg/polibag. Masing-masing perlakuan dibuat dalam 6 kombinasi perlakuan dan diulang sebanyak 3 kali. Dalam satu perlakuan terdapat 6 polibag tanaman, sehingga terdapat 18 unit percobaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa interaksi pemberian air 2 hari sekali dengan pemberian pupuk organik 2,5 kg/polibag menghasilkan tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, berat segar daun, berat kering daun, dan berat kering akar tanaman sawi yang tertinggi. Perlakuan intensitas pemberian air 2 hari sekali menghasilkan tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, berat segar daun, berat kering daun tertinggi

    نظرة مسلمي توراجا في نكاح الكتابية في منطقة بتوانغ

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    هذا البحث يهدف إلى معرفة الحالات الواقعية في نكاح الكتابية في منطقة بتوانغ حيث كان المسلمون يعيشون بين أغلبية أهل الكتاب (النصارى) ونظرة مسلميها في ذلك حتى يعرف المسلمون هناك الأحكام الشرعية حول نكاح الكتابية حتى لا يحرمون ما أحل الله ويحلون ما حرم الله ونوع هذا البحث هو بحث نوعي يتحدث عن نظرة مسلمي توراجا في منطقة بتوانغ في نكاح الكتابية، وطريقة البحث في جمع المعلومات هي طريقة ميدانية. وأما مشكلة البحث هي: 1) حالات نكاح الكتابية في منطقة بتوانغ،2) نظرة مسلمي توراجا في منطقة بتوانغ في نكاح االكتابية.ونتيجة هذا البحث هي أن نكاح الكتابية قد حدث كثيرا في منطقة بتوانغ، إلا أنه لا يسجل رسميا في مكتب الشؤون الدينية والكنيسة، وإذا وقع هذا النكاح فإنما يزوجان على سبيل العادة. وأما مسلمو توراجا في منطقة بتوانغ فإنهم يرون أن نكاح الكتابية لا يصح شرعا وقانونا، ويعتقدون أن النكاح باختلاف الدين بكل صورته لا يصح مطلقا، بل اعتقد بعضهم أن قائم هذا النكاح يعتبر زانيا.الكلمة الأساسية: مسلمو توراجا، النكاح، أهل الكتابية.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keadaan pernikahan lelaki muslim dengan wanita ahlul-kitab di kecamatan Bittuang yang dimana di sana kaum muslimin hidup di tengah-tengah ahlul-kitab (kristen) serta bagaimana pandangan orang islam disana. Hal demikian agar masyarakat islam dapat mengetahui hukum seputar pernikahan seorang muslim dengan wanita ahlul-kitab,sehingga mereka tidak mengharamkan apa yang Allah halalkan dan tidak menghalalkan apa yang Allah haramkan.Penelitian ini bersifat kualitatif yang membahas tentang pandangan MuslimToraja di Kecamatan Bittuang mengenai hukum menikahi Wanita Ahlul-kitab, dan menggunakan metode penelitian lapangan dalam pengumpulan data. Adapun rumusan masalah dalam penilitian ini adalah: 1) kondisi pernikahan wanita ahlul-kitab di Kecamatan Bittuang, 2) Pandangan muslim toraja mengenai pernikahan wanita ahlul-kitab. Selanjutnya, hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwasanya pernikahan wanita ahlul-kitab sudah sering terjadi di Kecamatan Bittuang, hanya saja pernikahan ini tidak dapat terdaftar secara resmi di Kantor Urusan Agama dan juga di Gereja, sehingga apabila pernikahan ini di lakukan maka akan dinikahkan secara adat toraja, adapun muslim toraja di kecamatan Bittuang berpandangan bahwasanya menikahi wanita ahlul-kitab adalah tidak sah secara hukum Islam dan hukum yang berlaku di Indonesia. Mereka bepemahaman bahwasanya pernikahan beda agama bagaimanapun itu bentuknya tetaplah tidak sah

    Co-combustion modeling of rice husk and plastic bag as energy source in Indonesia

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    This study was conducted to obtain a model combustion characteristics of rice husk and plastic bags as a energy source. The characteristics modeling using Autodesk Mechanical Desktop, Gambit, and Ansys - Fluent software. Maximum temperature of gas in the grate bed was obtained of about 1,710 K, in the furnace of about 1,670 K, and the average temperature in the furnace of about 1,086 K. The flue gas CO2, CO, and H2O in the furnace was obtained maximum of about 0.336% (3,360 ppm), 0.305% (3,050 ppm), and 0.132% (1,320 ppm), respectively. It was concluded that the co-combustion characteristics model of RH90 + PB10 produces temperature that meets the needs of a trap on the boiler and flue gas produces a small that is safe for the environment. Thus, it can be the basis for the development of utilization as fuel in the power plant